ecuador Posts | Best Seen on Foot
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Posts tagged with ecuador

Cover Image for Final Days in Ecuador

Final Days in Ecuador

On Saturday after our Galapagos adventure, we went shopping for groceries in order to save some money for the rest of our days in Quito following our big splurge in the Galapagos...

Lauren Schirtzinger
Lauren Schirtzinger
Cover Image for Galapagos Part 2: The Main Island

Galapagos Part 2: The Main Island

Following our goodbyes, Gerrod and I retrieved our bags from the pier and headed towards our hostel...

Lauren Schirtzinger
Lauren Schirtzinger
Cover Image for Galapagos Part 1: The Cruise!

Galapagos Part 1: The Cruise!

Sorry for the delayed post. As it turns out I never really feel like writing, but I will try my best to be better...

Lauren Schirtzinger
Lauren Schirtzinger
Cover Image for Ecuador - Quito and Cotopaxi

Ecuador - Quito and Cotopaxi

A lot has happened since arriving in Ecuador on Sunday! We arrived in Quito with no problems, and just as we normally do when we arrive in a country...

Lauren Schirtzinger
Lauren Schirtzinger