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Cover Image for Galapagos Part 2: The Main Island

Galapagos Part 2: The Main Island

Following our goodbyes, Gerrod and I retrieved our bags from the pier and headed towards our hostel...

Lauren Schirtzinger
Lauren Schirtzinger
Cover Image for Galapagos Part 1: The Cruise!

Galapagos Part 1: The Cruise!

Sorry for the delayed post. As it turns out I never really feel like writing, but I will try my best to be better...

Lauren Schirtzinger
Lauren Schirtzinger
Cover Image for Ecuador - Quito and Cotopaxi

Ecuador - Quito and Cotopaxi

A lot has happened since arriving in Ecuador on Sunday! We arrived in Quito with no problems, and just as we normally do when we arrive in a country...

Lauren Schirtzinger
Lauren Schirtzinger